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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

So - Are we ready for 2012 yet?

So - having tried to help out with the mission to rid London and Brighton of their beer, I´m back in Rio!

It was wierd to arrive again - especially now that this home from home is very much our story that needs to be continued. I spose we don´t know what we´re acutually going to be doing this time next year, but for the moment at least we´re here and loving it.

I tried (and failed probably) not to be a bore about our new life - I tried (and failed again) not to moan about being bloody freezing all the time. I didn´t try (or I would have failed) to not miss the missus. And I certainly didn´t need to try and think about our growing Familily life in Brazil at every bleedin waking moment. Soft bastard.

Seriously, I can see why Brazilians quite often applaud as they touch down back in their Latin American Blightly. I felt like whooping and hollering myself.

So. I´m back for the duration, and as such I need to:

  • Speak this infernal language properly.
  • Join a Brasilian band.
  • Go in the sea at least once a week.
  • Do something worthwhile and sustainable in a poorer community.
  • Drink shitloads of beer.
Right. Best get started.
you´ve any other must-do ideas for the list, then lemme know!

Sunday, 11 March 2012 now really is the time to quote the clash....

So I've seriously neglected my urge to regail anyone who's listening. But honestly, it's been mental.

I'm sat in a boozer inAngel, London, fondly remembering the last time I was here just after the bolts had been removed from my jaw injury. I'm freeezing and missing our Copa bolthole, although the beer is bloody wonderful. Here begins a week of music education that will hopefully shape the next couple of years. If you fancy a beer gis a shout!

So, safe in the knowledge that Harry's visit to my new home is right royally flying the flag, I'm off for a curry.

And the question that must be on all ex-pats minds from time to time is well and truly on ours.

Should we stay (in Rio) or should we go?

Try one of these....

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